
Quality options for all budgets in Hauteluce village (15mn walk from the farm). 1 Michelin star restaurant: Mont Blanc Restaurant & Gouter that offers elegant cuisine in an intimate setting as well as excellent homemade pastries for afternoon tea. 1 gourmet restaurant: La Ferme du Chozal proposing inventive cuisine, giving pride of place to local producers. 3 other addresses in the heart of the village: Le Bistrot des Alpages, for Savoyard specialties and pizza (eat in or take away); Le Secret des Alpes, a decoration shop where you can enjoy organic dishes and artisanal ice creams in summer; Chez Gaylord, traditional cuisine with a panoramic terrace.

Less than 20 minutes by car, here are also excellent dining options: La Ferme de Victorine (Notre-Dame-de-Bellecombe) for authentic cuisine in a friendly setting, and the Restaurant du Grand Mont (Beaufort), offering well-crafted pure Savoyard tradition.

Equipment and ski lessons

Equipment and ski pass: if you are skiing in Les Saisies, it could not be easier as Chozal' P Sports and a ski pass office is located at Hauteluce ski lift (1km from the farm). You also have numerous options in the resort (including mountain bike rentals for summer). If you are skiing in Les Contamines Hauteluce, Jean Paul Sports is located at the foot of the cable car where you can also purchase your passes. Online pass purchase available for les Saisies, les Contamines Hauteluce, or Arêches-Beaufort.

Lessons: 3 schools in Les Saisies with over 200 instructors, including independent ones, to learn or improve in all disciplines (from alpine to Nordic skiing, snowboarding, telemark skiing, accompanied skiing for disabled individuals...). There is also an ESF kindergarten for children aged 3 and older. All details can be found at Ecoles de ski aux Saisies. In Les Contamines Hauteluce, you will also find courses offered by the ESF.

Well-being: spa and massages

Le Signal center in Les Saisies offers an aquatic and wellness area (jacuzzi, steam room, sauna, and massages), as well as a sports area, all with a splendid view of the surrounding peaks. For a more intimate experience, choose the spa at La Roche Hotel in Beaufort. One other recommended massage option at LineTuina in Beaufort, specialized in Chinese massages.

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